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"Best philosophical ideas improve Humanity" |
As it is well known in each ideological society, in every religious community there are a status division and a hierarchical scale of status ranks, conferred to its members on achieving of some certain abilities or merits. Following this order, implicitly, such a hierarchical scale evolved throughout centuries and for Humanity as a whole. We will try to display an essence of this scale, using as basis historical experience and well-known knowledge. Being founded on them it is possible to assert that depending on the genotype inherited from the parents, as well as the quality of upbringing and education, which form as a result the phenotype of an individual and his mentality, all individuals, proceeding from the obtained parameters of their mental abilities, and first of all, development of own consciousness, can be attributed to this or that degree of the mental-status hierarchy of a society and receive one or another of the known classification-status ranks (titles) in accordance with the historically heaped up list of characteristics of secular spiritual perfection, namely: 1. Man 2. Citizen 3. Intellectual 4. Intelligent man 5. Personality 6. Philosopher 7. Genius. It is quite natural that at the top of the mental-status hierarchy are Geniuses (Latin: genius), i.e. people with the highest degree of perfection, creative endowments, intelligence and talent. With the help of their genius they are capable at the peak of their creativity to outstrip time much ahead and to create qualitatively new, unique works of art, make phenomenal discoveries in scientific domains of knowledge. The second step of peak is occupied by right with philosophers. They are the people, who not only comprehended by the use of laws of the scientific philosophy all subtleties of objective reality, but who also added a significant creative «brick» of knowledge in the development of its theoretical foundations. The next title in the mental-status hierarchy of society is the personality. They are people with the outstanding personal qualities, brightly stand out from the mass of individuals to their original abilities or extraordinary actions, activity thanks to which they become recognizable. The following mental-status rank – the intelligent man (from the Latin. Intelligentis - understanding, reasonable). This segment of society, having high level of good breeding and erudition, and hence of consciousness, knowledge, morality and culture, including the culture of secular conduct. The next mental-status rank – the intellectual (from the Latin. Intellectualis - mental, rational). This segment of society that has a high level of good breeding and erudition, but stands out in spite of all this mainly only in some one sphere of the scientific theory or practice. The status rank of the citizen inherently is fully secular, i.e. completely public, and only those people can endow it, who are not only fully enjoy their rights, but do not neglect their duties, as well as possessing abilities to understand, respect and observe reasonable interests of fellow citizens. Therefore technically almost the entire population of the country usually possesses the title of citizen, but to be real citizens may be far from all, and actually more often - only its small part. The status rank man can be attributed only to those individuals, who have positively generated mentality, possessing, first of all good good breeding and high erudition, appropriately developed consciousness, a sense of shame and conscience. In uncivilized countriesusually only a very small part of the population may be worthy of this high rank. For the most part, the greater its mass, it is ignorant and uneducated philistines and mentally-sick individuals - inhumans. Each born individual has the right and must choose for himself in due course one of the named mental-status levels-steps, which he considers for himself as the highest attainable and correspond by prestigiousness to his life-target ambitions, and try to reach it and support through all his conscious life while he has enough forces for that purpose.
of mental-status CLASSIFICATION
of individuals
I. Geniuses
example - Leonardo da Vinci
From Lat. genius, i.e. people with the higher degree of perfection, creative endowments, intelligence and talent. With the help of their genius they are capable at the peak of their creativity to outstrip time much ahead and to create qualitatively new, unique works of art, make phenomenal discoveries.
Mentality parameters: positively developed consciousness, increased reflection of the third (on present problems) and fourth (on future problems) psychic subsystems, IQ - not below 120, the presence of particularly unique algorithms in algomodul in one of fields of knowledge, high culture of behavior, secular good breeding, education at the level of scientific degree. - Strongly pronounced Citizen of the Earth.
Number of occurrences in all the Mankind
- very few in the millennium
II. Philosophers
example - Immanuel Kant
Сomes from the Greek φιλοσοφία (philosophia), which literally means "love of wisdom, true knowledge". Outstanding people, professional thinkers, who not only comprehended all the subtleties of being by means ofscientific philosophy, but who also added their creative layer of knowledge in its treasury. The introduction of the terms "philosopher" and "philosophy" is ascribed to the Greek thinker Pythagoras.
Mentality parameters: positively developed consciousness, increased reflection of the third (on present problems) and fourth (on future problems) subsystems of psyche, IQ - not below 120, the presence of unique creative algorithms of algomodul, mental faculties for science and high culture of behavior, secular good breeding,education at the level of scientific degree. - Ideal Citizen of the Earth.
Number of occurrences in all the Mankind
- very few in a century
III. Personalities
example - French teacher, Baron Pierre de Coubertin
These are people with outstanding personal qualities, clearly stand out from the mass of individuals to their original abilities or extraordinary actions, by which they become recognizable.
Mentality parameters: positively developed consciousness, good reflection of the third (on present problems) and fourth (on future problems) subsystems of psyche, IQ - not below 110, presence of original algorithms of algomodul, high culture of behavior. - Worthy to be the Citizen of the Earth.
Number of occurrences in all the Mankind
- very few in each living generation
IV. Intelligent people
From Lat. intelligentis - understanding, intelligent; the stratum of society having high level of good upbringing and erudition, and hence, of consciousness, knowledge, mainly humanitarian, morality and culture, including the culture of secular behavior. It is those people who create, develop and disseminate knowledge and culture on the basis of science and generally accepted universal values, simultaneously showing intolerance and combating ignorance and known moral defects.
Mentality parameters: positively developed consciousness, increased reflection of the third (on present problems) and fourth (on future problems) subsystems of psyche, IQ - not below 110, presence of original algorithms of algomodul, correct orientation in values and vices, abilities to science or art, having inclination and ability to enlightenment, secular good breeding and high culture of behavior, education at level of scientific degree. - Is worthy to become a Citizen of the Earth.
Number of occurrences in all the Mankind
- to 1% in each living generation
V. Intellectuals
while largely confined to any one area of science or technical knowledge by improving both its theory and practice.
From Lat. intellectualis - intellectual, rational; this segment of society having high enough level of good upbringing and erudition, but stands out at the same time mainly only in some one sphere of natural-scientific or technical knowledge by improving both its theory and practice.
Mentality parameters: positively developed consciousness, good reflection of all four subsystems of psyche, IQ is not below 110, presence of original and high technical algorithms of algomodul, correct orientation in values and vices, abilities to sciences and decent culture of behavior, secular good breeding, education level scientific degree. - Is inclined to be the Citizen of the Earth.
The number of occurrences on the average on the countries
- 3 - 5 % from the total living
VI. Citizens
Secular status rank, which on moral grounds may have only those people, who are not only fully enjoy their rights, but do not neglect as well their duties, and also possessing abilities to understand, respect and observe reasonable interests of fellow citizens. The highest civil status - the Citizen of the world.
Mentality parameters: positively developed consciousness, in particular in the field of the state construction, a good reflection of at least the first three subsystems of psyche, IQ above 100, well completed brain algomodul, correct orientation in values and vices, ability to live in a society and to have the decent culture of behavior, adequate secular good breeding, higher education.
The number of occurrences on the average on the countries
- 5 - 25 % from the total living
VII. Men , or humans
Secular status rank, which can be attributed only to those individuals who, being well mannered and educated, has positively generated mentality, possessing, first of all, suitably developed consciousness, sense of shame and conscience.
Mentality parameter: positively developed consciousness without appreciable deviations, a good reflection of at least the first three subsystems of psyche, IQ is not lower than 100, stocked at least at 50% of useful set of algorithms in brain algomodul, mostly correct orientation in the values and vices, worthy culture of behavior, appreciable secular good breeding, education above secondary. - Supposed to be a Citizen of the Earth.
The number of occurrences on the average on the countries
- 10 - 50 % from the total living
VIII. Philistines
This status rank is given mainly to those individuals, who have not entered into any of specified above levels-steps of social hierarchy and filling with themselves an ideological-moral «quagmire of humanity», sucking in its bog all the ignorant, marginalized, individuals with undeveloped or underdeveloped conscience. Philistines, «petty bourgeoises» can have sometimes a certain noble traits of a human or even a citizen, which do not change the overall nature of their mentality.
Mentality parameters: underdeveloped consciousness with appreciable deviations, variable reflection of subsystems of psyche, IQ below 100, brain algomodul filled with casual or compelled set of household algorithms, distorted in most parts orientation in values and vices, inadequate or low culture of behavior owing to bad or insufficient education and weak erudition. - Not worthy to be the Citizen of the Earth.
The number of occurrences on the average on the countries
- 30 - 70 % from the total living
XI. Mentally-sick individuals, or Inhumans
Secular status rank, which covers all deep ignoramuses, marginals, bandits, murderers, thieves, crooks, vandals, i.e. ill-bred individuals with undeveloped or underdeveloped consciousness, endowed with the worst evils of society, with simultaneously lost feelings of shame and conscience.
Mentality parameters: underdeveloped ordistorted consciousness with strongly appreciable deviations, inadequate reflection of the psyche subsystems, IQ below 80 or so, brain algomodul filled with mostly negative algorithms, almost completely distorted orientation in the values and vices, ignorance and absence of any acceptable culture of behavior as a result of bad manners and ignorance. Not suitable to be a Citizen of the Earth.
The number of occurrences on the average on the countries
- 10 - 30 % from the total living
As a result, as seen from the above SCALE-table, in society at large the number of normal Humans-Men, as a rule, doesn't exceed 50 %, i.e. half of the total number of its members, and in some countries or societies, their number is even less, while the number of Philistines и Inhumans, i.e. substandard and harmful members of society, can exceed a half that is pernicious for the given society, because not only hinders progress, but promotes its degradation and even destruction, that, in the end result, conducts to its complete disappearance. This regularity prophetically noted more than 150 years ago the Russian thinker, V.G.Belinsky by words: "What does not develop, it does not live, but that does not live, dies ..."It is quite logical that the same pattern applies to Humanity as a whole. However, it is well known that to develop, i.e. to implement improvement of the status position of any individual in normally developing society is possible only, on the one hand, by improving its genotype (which is derived from gene pool of parents и primogenitors), on the other, through a better upbringing and education. And this concerns ALL members of society, nations and civilizations, i.e. in other words, the whole population of the planet, both present generation of its inhabitants, and all subsequent ones. Only in this case each earthman can feel in safety and to be quiet for the future of his children. ![]()
In addition to the mental-status hierarchy in each society it is necessary to distinguish also the structure of social governance, which on society coverage is subdivided into local, regional, national and global, i.e. covering all Mankind. These structures represent some kind of niches of functional cells, which should be filled in with real individuals of the given society as functioning units, so that the given community of people, up to the Mankind as a whole, could exist not simply without serious painful consequences, but to LIVE normally and develop, that we do not observe for various reasons in most regions of the planet.
at all levels of its communal life
I. GOVERNING BODIES of the Humanity (yet represented by the United Nations Organization, UNESCO and other world and international organizations)
To solve problems and challenges: of global (common to all mankind), international, inter-ethnic character with the assistance of international, state and national leaders and heads, experts and specialists in order to constitute the single, integrated Humanity through convergence, unification and perfection of global ideology and the international legislation, regulators of the economy, as well as settlement of inter-civilizational and inter-ethnic conflicts and problems, discussions of problems of preservation of Life on Earth through definition of genuine universal human values guidelines, and in parallel - systems and programs of upbringing, education, widespread distribution of a healthy lifestyle, customs and traditions, based on experience and best practices achieved by most advanced (by International rating) nations and civilizations, at the same time keeping under their control questions of maintenance of living conditions suitable for ALL people and animals, including climate and biosphere preservation, and developing strategic plans for further not only existence, but also of progress of the Mankind as a whole organism.
The number still not clearly defined,
because it is needed a higher political organization of such hyperstructure with involvment of thousands of high-quality specialists skilled in this activity in the status of not less than V (intellectuals), their financial support adequate to the status of solving problems
II. The political leadership of states, nations and their unions. It also includes parliaments, constitutional courts, political leadership of ruling and opposition parties
To solve problems and challenges: of national character by means of perfection of the national legislation, state regulation of economy in order to achieve maximum improvement of national social and economic indicators, aspiring to raise their people up to the level achieved by the advanced (by International rating) nations and civilizations, at the same time taking part, contributing to the solution of questions of global (common to all mankind), international character on preservation and improvement of Life on Earth, promoting formation of Uniform Mankind, correlating national ideology and values guidelines, and in parallel - the systems of upbringing and education, lifestyle, customs and traditions, legislation and regulators economy with the best world achievements, based on the experience and the best examples made by the advanced nations and civilizations, at the same time keeping under their control questions of maintenance of living conditions suitable for ALL people and animals, including climate and biosphere preservation in national territory, and developing plans of further national progress in view of the global development of the Humanity as a whole organism.
It is required up to 1% of active highly educated population in the status of not less than V (intellectuals) with the assistance of, if necessary, international experts and specialists
III. Directions
of governments, ministries and departments representing executive power
To solve problems and challenges: of state and national significance by national and regional leaders and heads, as well as guidance of systems of maintenance and development of economy, judicial, law-enforcement, upbringing, education and medical care, social regulation and protection, defense, etc., all activities of which should be aimed at improving of living standards of the population, improvement of social and economic indicators of national level, environmental protection activity through perfection of national legislation, state regulation of economy, upbringing and educational systems, at the same time watching and maintaining in the country living conditions suitable for people and animals, including preservation of climate and biosphere in national territory, taking into account plans of the further national progress as well as global evolution of the Mankind as a whole organism.
It is required up to 3% of the working population as experts and specialists in the status of not less than V (intellectuals)
IV. The middle level governance of state administration
To solve problems and tasks: the concrete activity directed on progress of life of the population, improvement of social and economic indicators at national level through implementation of social plans and national projects, replenishment and a rational expenditure of funds of the state budget, ensuring of social protection and development of support systems for the population at all levels, improving of its status level through systems of upbringing and education, including secular and civic education, environmental protection activities. The mass-media have great importance in this activity targeting the population on implementation of the designated purposes and problems of state, national and regional importance.
It is required up to 5% of the working population as experts and specialists in the status of not less than VI (citizen)
V. Local (municipal) administration
To solve problems and tasks: the activity of local bureaucracy directed on improvement of life of the population in fields, improving the regional (municipal) social and economic indicators through the implementation of the social plans and the regional (municipal) projects, replenishment and rational expenditure of funds of regional (municipal) budgets, ensuring of social protection at all levels, support of local developing systems of the population, improving of its status level through systems of upbringing and education, including secular and civic education, environmental protection activities. The regional mass-media have great importance in this activity targeting the population on implementation of the designated purposes and problems.
It is required up to 5 - 10% of the working population as experts and specialists in the status of not less than VI (citizen)
VI. National System of reproduction of gross national product
To solve problems and tasks: The development of the country's economy, work of the enterprises of science, industry and agriculture of national, regional and local significance, system of consumer services of the population, business community, trade network, transport, enlightenment, upbringing and education, communication, medicine, systems of national and regional security, of law and order maintenance, etc.
It is required up to 50 - 70% of economically active population with the assistance of experts and specialists in the status of not less than VI (citizen)
VII. Arts and Creativity
Sphere of activity: Applied creativity, theaters, movie and concert activity, exhibitions and salons of national, regional and local significance.
It is involved up to 3% of the active population as Culture and Art workers in the status of not less than VII (Man)
VIII. Non-self-supporting parts of the population
To solve problems and tasks: This group is formed with children of all ages, pupils, students, pensioners, people with no fixed occupation, or of defined, but ill-directed activity, as well as homeless, "eternal" unemployed, sectarian and marginal formations.
It is involved on the average 5 - 30% of active population mainly of the VIII-th status rank (philistines) and above
XI. Anti-social elements
To solve problems and tasks with regard to them: As this part of the population includes representatives of gangster formations, racketeers, members of organized crime, terrorists, thieves, swindlers, vandals, gigolos, convicted and serving sentences in prisons and camps, then the main problems and tasks are their maximum isolation from the normal population, preventing their actions against normally living of citizens, the implementation of measures to empower these individuals to human qualities, inculcating in them the human way of life.
It is involved an average of 5 - 30% of active population mainly of the VIII-th (philistines) and IX-th (inhumans) status ranks
From the above table it is obvious that for normal development of any society (and Mankind as a whole) it is necessary, that a minimum of 3/4 of its working population was on mental-status level of not less than the rank of Man. However, as we have identified above, this is not observed in reality and in society (and on the planet as a whole) there is a shortage of at least a quarter of the population at levels of not less than human. In countries of (South-) Eastern civilization it was understood a long time ago. Therefore in many countries of this region there is the task of getting by the entire population of higher (university) education, at simultaneous more correct orientation to the universal values and vices. As the result, both demographically and economically this part of the planet looks more successful in comparison with the so-called "Western" civilization, which includes the rest of the planet, where there is a large gap in the mental-status hierarchy and where so-called "liberal" values are pressing all time. It is exactly for these reasons migration of "brains" and people from one country to another are taking place. It is quite clear and it is most natural thatthe best option for society, for Humanity as a whole would be the order at which the pyramid of mental-status hierarchy of society would automatically be imposed on structure of niches of functional cells of social self-government of society, and individuals of the pyramid would show their mental abilities as functioning units of public self-administration. In this way the maximum effect of utility and reliability of human cohabitation would be secured. However in reality it is far from it and, because of widespread shortages of men of high status category, individuals of lower levels of the pyramid mental-status hierarchy of society pretty often fill in the top functional cells of public self-government, thus blocking their activity and causing dysfunction of one or another part of the social organism up to a state of pathology or a heavy disease of the given society as a whole.
To reverse these negative trends in social development, it is necessary to accept everywhere such unconditional order, at which cells of public administration and social activities, i.e. from Ι to VII, would be open only to individuals with the status not lower than Man, i.e. from Ι to VII steps of the status pyramid, and access to individuals of lower mental statuses (VIII and IX) would be blocked. Only then the Humanity can hope for its further existence and development, on its future positive progress. Thus the Mankind in order to ensure its own survival and further development should everywhere adhere strictly to the two basic rules:
The first general rule
To keep conformity of steps of the pyramid of the mental-status hierarchy of the society to levels of cells of structures of self-government, i.e. individuals from Ι to VII steps of the status pyramid
into Ι on VII levels of cells of pyramids of public management.
Access of individuals of lower mental status (VIII and IX) to public management should be blocked!
Keeping the specified conformity, we should not forget about low-status fellow citizens, not making them outcasts of society, taking every effort to enable them to reach acceptable for the society status levels. In this regard:
The second general rule
Individuals of VIII and IX levels of the pyramid of the mental-status hierarchy of society should not have even a minimal influence on life of a society and, in case of negative tendencies in their behavior, to be as much as possible isolated from normal people. In turn, the people, i.e. individuals in the status of the Man and above, should do everything to continue upbringing and educating of their fellow citizens into individuals at least of VII-th status level, i.e. to give them the inner substance and external appearance of a MAN. The ratio in a society should be ALWAYS overwhelming in favor of the status Men and above, and philistines и inhumans should be gradually withdrawn from public life in view of their uselessness, or absolute harmfulness for a society of normal humans-Men.
The more people in society of VII-th status level and above, the more full-fledged it becomes, the more civilized and prosperous it is to LIVE in it!
Only strictly carrying out everywhere specified TWO rules, the Humanity can hope for a better life on ALL planet and on the further smooth progress of all peoples, nations and civilizations!
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